“My aim is to champion the Rhino as the go to brand for automotive retail sales events, creating new opportunities, and nurturing old ones.”.

Matthias Stevens, Business Development Manager Belgium. Events.

Why did you join Rhino?

Rhino was a fantastic opportunity to bring together my skills within a development role, providing our clients with an automotive retail sales process from start to finish.

Describe yourself in 3 words?


What are your motivations?

To provide added value, and a service that is without failure. I am for excellence in all endeavors, and this is in line with Rhino’s core values.

Tell us about your role?

I am responsible for the development of the sales proposition for automotive retailers in Belux. My aim is to champion the Rhino as the go to brand for automotive retail sales events, creating new opportunities, and nurturing old ones.

What is your biggest achievement so far?

My children. Raising 2 children is no mean feat.

Tell us one fun fact about yourself?

When not working, you might find me in a forest, hiking, and getting back in touch with nature.

Dream 3 Multi Centre holiday destinations.

Norway, Iceland and Canada


For Group enquires head to: https://rhinogroup.co.uk

For Events enquiries head to: https://www.rhinoevents.com